Important information for our clients at this unprecedented time
The impacts of Covid-19 on health and business are evolving fast. Currently, we are prioritising helping our clients who have the greatest need. So, if you need urgent help, please get in touch.
It is essential that every business has a plan for dealing with the fallout from this pandemic.
A plan will give you peace of mind and clarity for decision-making for the future of your business, and ensure you access Government support entitlements and maximise opportunities to preserve your cashflow and profitability. In the worst-case scenario, we want you to have certainty about whether your business can continue and plan around that.
On 2 April 2020 at 2pm we are hosting a complimentary webinar for our clients to:
- Help you build resilience in your team and family at this time
- Outline the things you should consider now to minimise the impact on your business
- Share a process, a guide and a template for creating your Business Continuity Plan
- Give supporting information to help you engage your suppliers, employees, bank and advisors to drive empathetic and effective conversations
- Outline some ways we can help you fast track the development of your plan
Running a webinar is the best (and safest way) to connect with as many of our clients in a short space of time.
Doing nothing here is simply not an option, we will be contacting you to discuss your plan in more detail.
If you want to get started straight away, please let us know and we’ll send you the continuity template and business continuity guide – email us at admin@pkfcs.co.nz for a copy.
In the meantime, please understand that our team are working from their homes with no disruption to the service we provide. We are available via email and phone, so please contact us if you need our help.
Lastly, now is the time to prioritise your mental health. As they say, put your own oxygen mask on before assisting others. If the situation is affecting you, consider blocking out social media or things that may worsen anxiety, but whatever you do, please stay in touch with us – so that together we set a plan to help you in these difficult times.
Stay safe and best regards,
Michael Jackson, Campbell Brenton-Rule and the PKF Carr & Stanton team

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Phone number:
06 876 8124