Tax Due Dates
Don’t miss another tax deadline again. If you are unsure of what to file or pay and when to do so, do not hesitate to give us a call.
Water – balancing environmental and productive demands
Water is a finite resource. While it appears to flow endlessly down our rivers, and is pumped perpetually from the ground, there is only so much to go around. Effective management of our water resource is vital to ensure its benefits can be…
9 key steps to knowing your numbers
Over the past few months I have been talking with a number of different rural business owners and it’s interesting to see the vastly different mindsets they each have even when they are in the same industry faced with the same challenges.…
Summer is a great time to start managing our waterways
Following the recent water quality woes in Havelock North, there has been a wider interest across communities around the way that we manage our waterways and it has been no surprise that we have seen the finger pointed at farmers for…
Would you like more control and a better understanding of your business?
Budgeting is a word that gets a mixed response from rural business owners. A common response I hear is "Why budget when my business is largely dependent on the weather? You never know what it’s going to throw at you and the budget can go out…
Identify the ‘Leakage’, reduce your spending and increase your profit
Looking at overall farm management rather than focusing on production only, can help farmers to identify areas of unnecessary spending, and improve net profit.
Succession is a process, not an event
Not all business owners start thinking about succession early enough, leaving limited time for the planning element and even less time to change what you’ve got.
What Tax Free Allowances Can We Pay / Claim?
Tax free allowances can be paid to employees to reimburse business expenses that they have incurred on the employers behalf.
Farming for the future
Farming in 2016 is more challenging than ever...