Tax Due Dates
Don’t miss another tax deadline again. If you are unsure of what to file or pay and when to do so, do not hesitate to give us a call.
Intermediate Farm Accountant
Are you passionate about farming? We are looking for a rural focused accountant to join our locally owned business and expanding Farming Growth team.
Team news - we celebrate achievements and welcome new team members
Congratulations to Michael Jackson who is celebrating his 30 year anniversary with PKF Carr & Stanton this month. Michael joined the business in November 1987, after completing his degree at Massey University, and went…
Onwards and upwards
As I read about the latest leaders’ debate and consider the impact of a possible change in government, I can’t help but feel some empathy for our primary producers. There is some sentiment out there that our primary sector are creaming…
Water – balancing environmental and productive demands
Water is a finite resource. While it appears to flow endlessly down our rivers, and is pumped perpetually from the ground, there is only so much to go around. Effective management of our water resource is vital to ensure its benefits can be…
Sheep production weaning - mating
Camille Flack, Vet Services Hawke’s Bay
If you are breeding sheep, your year starts at weaning. A lot of farmers focus on the average price and weight of lamb going out the gate up until autumn. At this stage, the horse has already bolted.…
A little planning makes a difference
The forestry sector has been identified as a high-risk industry due to the number of work related accidents and highly publicised fatalities. In fact, during the recent changes in legislation relating to Health and Safety in the Workplace, commentators…